CamPing With Lamarr Wiki
Artist The CamPanulas
Album Fizziks Enjinn
Length 3:10
Download MP3, Ogg
Songs on Fizziks Enjinn
Album cover
  1. Test Subject Session Alpha
  2. Everybody Loves to Laugh Out Loud
  3. Test Subject Session Beta
  4. Dollar Store
  5. Test Subject Session Gamma
  6. The /b/allad of Pear Chan
  7. Test Subject Session Delta
  8. Where did Sally go?
  9. Test Subject Session Epsilon
  10. Remedial Science
  11. Test Subject Session Zeta
  12. Insomniamarama
  13. Test Subject Session Eta
  14. Fizziks Enjinn
  15. Test Subject Session Theta
  16. Cousin Squeaky
  17. Test Subject Session Iota
  18. Derp Derp Derp
  19. Test Subject Session Kappa
  20. Cuttlefish Jam
  21. Test Subject Session Lambda

Bonus tracks

Insomniamarama is a song about sleep, and the lack thereof that happens to us all from time to time. It is dedicated to the refreshingly cool underside of one's pillow, always a friend in need.


These lyrics are copyrighted, and are not covered by Wikia's CC-BY-SA license.
These lyrics are used on CamPing with Lamarr Wiki with permission of the author, they may not be used for commercial purposes without permission of the copyright owner.

Two hours before the dawn
My eyes are open wide
I haven't slept at all
But I'm so awful tired
I guess I went beyond
The point where I could sleep
The time keeps ticking to
The alarm clock's dreadful beep

No more sleeping
No more sleeping
No more sleeping, sleeping

No more sleeping
No more sleeping
No more sleeping, sleeping

Am I too hot or cold?
I can't make up my mind
Should I just get up now?
I really can't decide
I tried to count some sheep
My head is full of baas
So I just watch the sky
As dawn replaces stars

No more sleeping
No more sleeping
No more sleeping, sleeping

No more sleeping
No more sleeping
No more sleeping, sleeping
